Anneli Kotisaari






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I was born in Kuivasjärvi, Oulu, which has quite interesting history.

Kuivasjärvi is well-known from the University of Oulu in Linnanmaa.
The residential area near the lake Kuivasjärvi has been expanding fast since 1974, when I moved from Kuivasjärvi.
But between the new housing, there can still be seen some old buildings too, reminding of the old times.

Kuivasjärvi has been known as one of the hiding places for Finns when they escaped  Russian occupation in 1714-1721. 
Fairy-tales written by Zacharias Topelius and Anni Svan (famous Finnish writers) are situated in these times and places (also in Kuivasjärvi) and
have influenced of the tale of Christoffer Toppelius and his miraculous advventures under  Russian occupation (the forefater of Zacharias Topelius) .
In fact, Anni Svan has written that the story she has written is not a fairy-tale but is based on true events.

In the 19th century Kuivasjärvi has also been a summery fishing place for Oulus bourgeois of tar.


Three families have owned the areas of Kuivasjärvi since 1785.  The family areas were called and numbered: Alatalo 52, Kylmäniemi 55 and Lapinkangas 61.
Kylmäniemi is situated in the east part of the lake and  it has been the central place of the Kuivasjärvi-area.
Kylmäniemi, in english cold cape, is endeed the lakes coldest and windiest place.
Kylmäniemi is also the name of the oldest family in the area, and first mention from this name is known to be in the register of the deceased in the year 1775 in the parish of Oulu. Here you can find a picture from the old  house of Kylmäniemi (built in 18th century, demolished in 1950).

The family of Kylmäniemi was early active in business. For examble, my grandmothers father  Janne Kylmäniemi, had a cobblers workshop in Oulu.
In the 19th century two brothers with their wives Aapo and Aukusti Koivukangas moved from Pudasjärvi to Kaijonperä. Aapo and her wife Anna had a boy called Lauri (my mothers father), who was known widely as a great skier in Oulu. Lauri Koivukangas was also a shopkeeper, and in those days he didn´t only have  the only shop in the area, but also the only telephone in the village. The building of the shop has already demolished..

Reference book (translated from Finnish to English ): Kuivasjärvi - Korpikylästä kaupinginosaksi; Lauri Pietilä