Anneli Kotisaari






Photos and events






Pages were opened 03.05.2006


These pages have been updated  2.11.2022


2.11.2022 Homepage tables reprinted. More than 6.800 boerds were added to the pedigrees of my homepage. Additional information and corrections were also added to previous pedigrees.

5.1.2022 Homepage tables reprinted. The frontier year is now 1922. New data came almost to all links about 22 000 tables.

11.1.2021 Homepage tables reprinted. The frontier year is now 1921. The biggest additions came to the Enevald Kolkko-Hiitemä and Tornberg links.

3.1.2020 Homepages boards printed again.

11.1.2019 Home pages are all printed again. I also made a few new links: Pesonen, Tawast, Elingius and Wanaeus. The Calamnius family is now all under one link due to the rich feedback I received .
Also, the update is much easier and faster.

12.8.2018 homepages boards printed again. The biggest changes came to the tables; anna.o.sursill.htm (+ 567 tables) and christina.o.sursill.htm (+ 647 tables). Hannu.sinius.htm and anna.sinius.htm also added 194 and 251 tables.
To Calamnius tables gabrielb1.htm (+ 17) and susannah2.htm (+ 22) and the other quite minor additions and corrections.
The Sursill database now has over 314,000 names and Calamnius more than 120,000 names.

29.9.2017 Almost all homepages boards printed again. Most changes have come to the Sursill. Leinonen and Liikanen, Pätsi links

18.1.2017 Almost all homepages boards printed again.

18.1.2017 homepages boards printed again. Repairs come in several branches.
The most significant change in term of Calamnius family came to beatab1.htm link. 500 tables and approx 8000 names was removed from that  line, because in cooperation with various benealogists have found new, strong documented information about this branch.

These founded evidence from Henrik Petterinpoika Planting, b. 25.1.1719, d. 29.1.1794 and his spouse has wrongly characterized.
Anna Helena Westerman is not the right wife, it is Ella Carlsdotter.

Anna Helena Westerman was told, that she was Planting´s widow, so research is going to be continued in this case.

18.1.2017 homepages boards printed again. Repairs come in several branches and increase came in 3034 targets. The largest increase came to Christina Östenintytär Sursill 1007 tables.

10.5.2016 I changed the Family link titles. Now they are from the ancestors

24.4.2016 All links with more than one table is now updated Sursill have now 2991 the new tables and Calamniuks 48 new tables.
To the Sursill database has now become approx. 6,500 new names, there is waiting approx. 6000 people. MANY THANK to all who participated in this event and update will continue

My home pages will grow with increasing data and some people have trouble getting the links to open.
I've done all links (pedigree
s) without personal texts and photos.
If you want to know what other information I have
from the website persons in, so put, as before the message to me.

NOTE! The number in parentheses following the name, is the number of the person in my
Sukujutut -
program. By mentioning that number, I can easily find out who to intelligence concerns. Pedigree number without mention of a link to information is a tedious search for, because of the different links have the same numbers.

10.1.2016 homepages boards printed all again.

3.8.2015 homepages boards printed almost all again. Repairs come in several branches and increase came in 1530 targets. The largest increase came to Anna Östenintytär Sursill 928 tables.